Sunday, July 31, 2005

SPECIAL MESSENGERS (JULY 31) I have come to believe that any encounter or meeting no matter how casual has something there for me to benefit from. Today , I was with my relative Nards waiting for his wife Millie to bring them to the airport when casually, we were talking about the medicines that he was taking and we came to his aspirins. I told him that I wasn't taking aspirin anymore because of my apprehension about having this bleeding side effects. And he took some time explaining to me the real danger of not taking them because I had a heart attack in the past. I know now that it was not so much how he explained it but because it was he who explained it that scared me. As soon as I got home today, I immediately took my aspirin. I have a very good cardiologist and she also explained it to me several times. I guess I needed somebody like Nards who is not even a cardiologist, for me to get it. How coincidental yet very crucial because from there on I really resolved to take my aspirin every day.

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