Saturday, August 06, 2005

PROCRASTINATION (Aug.6) I have not done my blog the last few days thinking that I could easily catch up with my daily commitment to myself. Now I am realizing that it's seem harder to become spontaneous in writing, the longer I procrastinate. I noticed that my alibis come first before I finally decide to put off doing something. So next time the first alibi comes to my mind, I know that I should do it right away.
This early morning, I called my dad to get all his relatives' names and I am surprized that he only remembers a few of them. He told me that most of them were farmers and of the 7 uncles and aunts, only his dad (my granddad Luis) was educated at a seminary in Vigan Ilocos Sur. Luis was the first English teacher in their town. I remember him a few years before he died that he was a very mild mannered man who smoked cigars and every time that he visited us, he always read to us some nice childrens' books. He died of cirhhosis of the liver from drinking too much alcohol specially in those times when he was involved in town politics. I have no recollection of my grandma except of the few times that I visited her, she was always sick. I was at their deathbeds when they died.

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