Sunday, July 31, 2005

WINNING THE LOTTO (July 28) Today, I was so gungho in winning that I spent about $40 betting from 4 different stores. This sudden interest in lotto probably has something to do with a very convincing letter (I did not solicit this) from a reknown psychic saying that July 28 will be a very special day for me and I somehow partly believed. I won a few dollars but not the jackpot. I was about to be disappointed with the outcome of all of these when it popped into may mind what my friend and doctor Cornelio said just right after my successful heart bypass that this was like winning the lotto several times. I also thought of my wonderful children and my family. And so many other amazing providence that I already received and still receiving. Like today I met for the first time another distant relative from Seattle who was attending a symposium on a large civic organization building thousands of homes for the homeless in the Philippines and I went with them Friday (July 29) . I was so touched by this movement to help the homeless and made me realize how fortunate I am. The best prize that I ever won was becoming always aware that my every day at its end felt like winning the lotto. Life is wonderful!

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