Thursday, July 21, 2005

I'm doing some construction at three different sites. This morning, just thinking that I need to be in all sites at the same time was already TRYING to stress me out. When I was younger, I used to jampack my day with as many appointments as possible only to find out later in the day that the events have overlapped so much that aside from not being able to effectively finish up each event, I also end the day completely exhausted. My intellect has a way of referring me to my unhappy experiences in the past that just thinking about them this morning is already stressing me out. But I easily recovered from that and I resolved this morning to just go from one event to another, providing enough allowances in time to avoid overlaps. I cannot make more than 24 hours in a day, so that it's wrong for me to say: " Let me effectively manage my time". It's the events that I should be managing and not my time because I can not have any more than 24 hours from a day.

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