Monday, August 08, 2005

GARDENING . This morning Lily and I did some gardening together. After kneeling on the hard ground, dirtying my clothes and hands, sweating it out, I never felt so good. I get the same feeling when I am building or fixing old houses. I guess man was made to create more than to scheme or think. It's very hard to get some fulfillment from scheming or thinking when I'm selling or listing homes. Also when I was separating and transplanting this morning, I noticed that I never got DISTRACTED. MY FOCUS WAS 100% which was not always the case with the other things that I do. I was in my element. With plants I felt very responsible caring for them because each one is irreplaceable. If I break some floor tiles while renovating a kitchen floor, I know I can always get some replacements for exactly the same size and color, but not with a plant. If I broke it, that's it- no replacement. This leads me to feeling very close to the ONE WHO MADE IT- I could really feel how AWESOME HE/SHE MUST BE just being with HIS first- hand creations

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