Saturday, August 20, 2005

PRIDE AND SUICIDE ARE INSEPARABLE. i had a few acquaintances who had committed actual and literal (unknowingly, through bad habits) suicide. All of them, without exception were very nice human beings. All of them had the common belief that everything in their life and other people's lives were centered on them. Their fat intellects made them truly believe that there was nothing more meaningful beyond themselves and that their happiness ONLY depended on themselves. Finally, they thought that to end the unhappiness was to put an end to the self.
i DON'T have to prove my point by citing statistics that show higher incidences occured in the intellectual or highly educated groups and less in the physical/manual type of individuals. From these stats we can say that pride is just a fictitious creature of the intellect. By the way, the intellect is far from what we commonly think as THE MIND. The intellect is just a small physical fragment of the BRAIN which I think is NOT even WHERE most of the MIND is. If you think you have or are developing this problem, please be humble enough to ask for confidential help.

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