Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What is the Cause of Cancer? The real estate selling business is a very competitive (sometimes cutthroat) business. It is no wonder why it attracts a lot of people who have an insiduous and deep sense of insecurity about money. I had many agents who in the past would have no hesitation of breaking our long, problem-free business relationship because they were enticed by a higher-commission offer by other brokers even as I try to nearly matched the other brokers' offers. I know them well enough that they are well-off and therefore find it very unusual that they should be concerned more about this commission matter in exchange for a problem-free relationship with a broker. From these and other experiences, I learned for myself that how I treat others sometimes reflects a lot on how I treat myself. I learned that my unusual way of treating myself is related to my way of setting unusually unhealthy priorities. It took me quite a while to change that and hope that it doesn't come back. Incidentally, 4 of these agents who had this insecurity in the highest degree had bouts of cancer and one died. Could a bad mental habit be related to having cancer?